Course times and details of the training center - Vienna Stadlau

 17 o'clock6 p.m.19 o'clock
WednesdayPuppy course

Young dog course

Unterordnung BH-VT

Unterordnung IBGH-1+
FridayDummy course for beginnersAdvanced dummy course 
Saturdayvarious outdoor trainings and exams
more information under Events

Individual or group training with the trainer of your choice on request.

Puppy course

In this course, special attention is paid to the bond between dog and handler. This is promoted and strengthened through various exercises. Furthermore, the basic obedience is learned playfully (coming, sitting, etc.), as well as - depending on the training requirements - retrieving. Care is taken to ensure that NO pressure is exerted on the dogs. For the purpose of socialization, the courses offer a short period of time for the dogs to play depending on the dog's degree of maturity.

Duration: 50 min
Location: Training center Vienna - Stadlau

Young dog course

Continuation of the puppy course - the dogs can be trained longer and in groups. Furthermore, basic obedience is strengthened and steadiness is learned. The retrieval (if desired) is expanded and expanded.

Duration: 50 min
Location: Training center Vienna - Stadlau

BH / BGH course

Preparation for the BH or BGH examination, consolidation of the basic obedience, free following, etc. The dog and dog handler should enjoy the training - the aim is to have a retriever who is obedient in everyday life.

Duration: 50 min
Location: Training center Vienna - Stadlau

Dummy course for beginners

Basic obedience is required for this course.
Here the stop whistle, instruction, forwarding, search and retrieval are learned or consolidated.

Duration: 50 min
Location: Training center Vienna - Stadlau

Advanced dummy course

For this course it is necessary that the basic obedience is present, because without a basis it is not advantageous to let the dog fetch the dummies.
Here the stop whistle, instruction, forwarding, search and retrieval are consolidated and expanded.

Duration: 50 min
Location: Training center Vienna - Stadlau

Individual training as well as group training

In diesen Kurs wird Einzeltraining sowie Einführung in ein Gruppentraining angeboten. Für all jene geeignet die diverse Probleme mit dem Hund haben, wo mehr Zeit benötigt wird. Wir bauen hier das Gruppentraining auf. Unruhige Hunde die in der Gruppe überfordert sind, haben die Möglichkeit an die Gruppe herangeführt zu werden.

Location: Training center Vienna - Stadlau

Exercise utensils

What does the dog handler need when he comes to us:

  • Leash, collar
  • Treats (puppies, young dogs)
  • Toy (puppy)
  • Whistle (if desired)

What is provided by us as part of the training:

  • Dummy
  • Training utensils (tennis ball, toys, etc.)

Kurszeiten und Details der Ausbildungsstätte - Wien Stadlau

 17 o'clock6 p.m.19 o'clock
WednesdayPuppy course

Young dog course

Unterordnung BH-VT

Unterordnung IBGH-1+
FridayDummy course for beginnersAdvanced dummy course 
Saturdayvarious outdoor trainings and exams
more information under Events

Individual or group training with the trainer of your choice on request.

Puppy course

In diesem Kurs wird besonderer Augenschein auf die Bindung zwischen Hund und Hundeführer gelegt. Diese wird durch verschiedene Übungen gefördert und gestärkt. Weiters wird das Grundgehorsam spielerisch erlernt (kommen, sitzen, etc.), sowie - je nach Ausbildungswunsch - das Apportieren. Es wird darauf geachtet, dass KEIN Druck auf die Hunde ausgeübt wird. Zwecks Sozialisierung wird in den Kursen immer wieder - je nach Reifegrad des Hundes - ein kurzer Zeitraum für das Spielen der Hunde angeboten.

Duration: 50 min
Location: Training center Vienna - Stadlau

Young dog course

Fortsetzung zum Welpenkurs - es kann mit den Hunde länger und in Gruppen trainiert werden. Weiters wird das Grundgehorsam gefestigt und die Steadiness (Standruhe) erlernt. Das Apportieren (wenn gewünscht) wird ausgebaut und erweitert.

Duration: 50 min
Location: Training center Vienna - Stadlau

BH / BGH course

Preparation for the BH or BGH examination, consolidation of the basic obedience, free following, etc. The dog and dog handler should enjoy the training - the aim is to have a retriever who is obedient in everyday life.

Duration: 50 min
Location: Training center Vienna - Stadlau

Dummy course for beginners

Basic obedience is required for this course.
Here the stop whistle, instruction, forwarding, search and retrieval are learned or consolidated.

Duration: 50 min
Location: Training center Vienna - Stadlau

Advanced dummy course

For this course it is necessary that the basic obedience is present, because without a basis it is not advantageous to let the dog fetch the dummies.
Here the stop whistle, instruction, forwarding, search and retrieval are consolidated and expanded.

Duration: 50 min
Location: Training center Vienna - Stadlau

Individual training as well as group training

In diesen Kurs wird Einzeltraining sowie Einführung in ein Gruppentraining angeboten. Für all jene geeignet die diverse Probleme mit dem Hund haben, wo mehr Zeit benötigt wird. Wir bauen hier das Gruppentraining auf. Unruhige Hunde die in der Gruppe überfordert sind, haben die Möglichkeit an die Gruppe herangeführt zu werden.

Location: Training center Vienna - Stadlau

Exercise utensils

What does the dog handler need when he comes to us:

  • Leash, collar
  • Treats (puppies, young dogs)
  • Toy (puppy)
  • Whistle (if desired)

What is provided by us as part of the training:

  • Dummy
  • Training utensils (tennis ball, toys, etc.)