Guns & Dogs

Die Veranstaltung „Guns & Dogs“ stellt einen möglichst jagdnahen und retrievergerechten Bewerb und keine Prüfung im eigentlichen Sinn dar. Es werden verschiedene Elemente der Retriever-Arbeit aus dem jagdlichen Bereich, Working Test und Dummy Trial geprüft.

The dogs are allowed to solve hunting tasks in which dummies have to be retrieved and are awarded points for this.

The dog handlers can also collect points for the team through their skill as shotgun shooters (on clay pigeons).

Fun Bewerb „Guns ´n´Dogs“ – Weitwörth/Salzburg 02.07.2023
Judges/Richter: Stefano Martinoli (IT), Petra Buijs (AT), Ton Buijs (AT)

Fun Bewerb „Hund und Flinte“ – Voitsberg 10. bis 11.07.2021
Judges/Richter: Stefano Martinoli (IT), Mag. Franz Deim (AT)

Fun competition "Dog & Shotgun" from July 6th to 7th, 2019
Judges: Kurt Becksteiner (A), Robert Kaserer (A)

Fun competition “Dog and Shotgun on July 5th and 6th, 2015 in Altaussee
Judges: Georg Ranftl (A), Herbert Kaserer (A), Andreas Wimmer (A), Franz Deim (A), Fritz Kleestorfer (A)

Fun competition “Dog and Shotgun on July 5th and 6th, 2014 in Altaussee
Judges: Karel Van Loo (NL), Sonja Lamprecht (A)

Fun competition “Dog and Shotgun on July 6th and 7th, 2013 in Altaussee
Judges: Karel Van Loo (NL), David Latham (GB)

Fun competition "Dog and Shotgun on July 7th and 8th, 2012 in Wagram am Wagram (Lower Austria)
Judges: Lynn Stringer (GB), Malcolm Stringer (GB), Werner Reicher (A)

Fun competition “dog and shotgun on July 9th and 10th 2011 in the EJ-Revier Sandling, Altaussee
Judges: Ing.Kurt Becksteiner, Sebastian Hochreiter