We are happy to offer the following courses ...

Appropriate training for our retrievers is important to us.
We offer the following courses for you and your dog all year round:

Puppy courses
Your dog is at the young age of 2-5 months….
Learn about socialization and the first basic commands in a playful way in our courses.
Growing together with the dog handler, swimming, behavior in the group, playing and many other fun things are on the program here!

Young dog course
From the age of 5 months, your dog is just right to attend our young dog courses.
The basic commands are consolidated.
In this course, we will accompany you through the first difficult period.
At the end of the course there is a small exam.

Retriever basic courses (RBP 1-4)
We offer the special ÖRC courses with completion of an exam.
Here the basic commands for the six Retriever breeds are consolidated.
Depending on the level of difficulty, the commands are consolidated and finally checked.
These exams take place at our facility once a year.

Obedience and retrieval courses (CAP 1-3)
In our courses, the basic commands are consolidated - and finally checked in three different final exams.
Training takes place in the three levels of difficulty and the exams are held once a year.

Dummy training in the field
We offer dummy training especially for our retriever breeds - in open terrain, of course.
It pays to try it out!
We train in a group - in different classes - in order to make optimal progress here.

Working test training
Are you ambitious to take your retriever to working tests?
Take the opportunity to prepare ideally for the exams.
Here we also train in different performance groups.
It starts with the newcomers and then in the top league you train with the open dogs.

Subordination courses (BH / BGH)
The basis of good obedience. In these courses we offer you and your dogs the right basic work - in order to experience great cooperation in the future.
Every dog handler should take the BH test with his dog.
This test serves as the basis for the "dog driving license"

Tracking training
Barbara explains and trains together with you the correct approach to tracking work.
Just give it a try - it's a lot of fun!
You will see how your dog refines innate instincts.

Field trial training
The supreme discipline among the "retriever people".
In this special training you train at the highest level.
Barbara Stadlhuber - as a successful starter on field trials - will give you tips and tricks in these courses.

Hunting training
In these courses, both beginners and advanced dog handlers are taught and trained in hunting tasks.
It's really interesting how dogs follow their inner instincts and then refine them through the courses.

Ring and trim training for exhibitions
The show must go on ... In our courses we teach you how to put your darling in the right light and how to present your dog in the best possible way at an exhibition.

Dummy training seminars with foreign trainers
Several times a year we invite experienced trainers to join us and organize the perfect training in different groups.
Group training - usually over 2 days - that is not only instructive, but also always a lot of fun.