with an attached breeding show

So that you can imagine what you can expect from the breeding suitability assessment, we have described an approximate process for you below. The exact procedure is determined by the judges before each breeding suitability assessment, also taking into account the available terrain.

In the following we will show you a possible variant of the procedure to facilitate your access to the breeding suitability assessment and to take away your nervousness in advance:

Take enough time for your dog on this day and come to the meeting point in good time so that you can still take your dog for a leisurely walk and do not have to rush out of the car to determine its suitability for breeding.
Please understand, however, if you may have to wait a little.

Judges often need a little longer to be able to judge a dog or with one or the other dog not everything worked right away and he needs more than one chance.


Please register with your dog about 30 minutes before your start time.

There you will receive a colored collar and a pin in the same color for your dog, which you should attach to your clothing so that it is clearly visible.
The first chip check also takes place here. When registering, you can find out whether the scheduled start time can be adhered to or how long a possible waiting time will be.

The participants are divided into groups which, if possible, should consist of males and females of different breeds of retriever. Your judge will pick you up from the registration or waiting area.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass während des ganzen Ablaufs der ZTF Ihr Retriever unter Beobachtung durch den Wesensrichter steht (also auch in den Wartephasen), damit sich der Richter ein Gesamtbild von dem Hund machen kann.

Preliminary talk:

Once the judge has taken over the group, he will briefly introduce himself to you and go through the questionnaire for each dog.

Sie haben jetzt die Möglichkeit den Richter auf Dinge hinzuweisen, die für die ZTF von Bedeutung sein können:
Has your dog ever had a particularly bad experience with people, conspecifics or in an environmental situation?
Is your bitch about to come into heat or has she recently been in heat?
All of this and the like can affect your dog's behavior and the judge should know this so that he can cater to your dog.