HD - hip dysplasia, ED - elbow dysplasia and OCD - osteochondrosis dissecans

The following veterinarians were called upon by the ÖRC to assess and diagnose X-ray examinations using an X-ray accompanying document Hip dysplasia ordered:

Dr. Adalbert Fellner A-4972 Utzenaich, Sigmundsberg 21, Tel.: +43 7751 / 8900
Dr. Horst Wagner, A-3100 St. Pölten, Stattersdorfer Hauptstraße 150, Tel.: +43 2742 / 255 845
Mag.med.vet. Jonathan Mayer, A-3100 St. Pölten, Stattersdorfer Hauptstraße 150, Tel.: +43 2742 / 255 845

You also have the option of having the X-ray images taken by the breeding X-ray specialist you trust and having them diagnosed by the above-mentioned veterinarians. In this case, too, please do not forget to clearly mark the images with text overlay and to have the X-ray accompanying sheet completed.

Ein Zweitgutachten ist auf Wunsch der/s HundebesitzerIn zulässig. Dieses erfolgt anhand aller vorliegenden Befunde von Röntgen-Untersuchungen über Antrag bei der ZuchtwartIn durch Univ. Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Henninger. Die Kosten für Beurteilung, Befundung und allfälliges Zweitgutachten trägt der/die HundebesitzerIn.

Please download the X-ray accompanying document from the download area of the ÖRC website, fill it out and take it with you to the X-ray appointment. When the retriever breed is selected, the breed warden is automatically added to the form.

Note: An X-ray made without an X-ray certificate is NOT VALID for breeding approval in the ÖRC!